We’re thrilled to present our newest episode featuring Mark Kenber, Executive Director at VCMI. On this episode, Mark and our very own Rene Velasquez dive deep into the intricacies of Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs) and their pivotal role in driving the global transition to Net Zero.
0:43 | Introducing VCMI |
2:24 | Framework to make claims using carbon credits. |
3:25 | The importance of transparency and integrity to build trust and scale in VCMs. |
5:25 | Companies struggling meeting SCOPE 3 targets. |
9:20 | How to incentive investment in Innovation & Technology and Carbon markets to drive transformation within companies. |
10:34 | Building an end to end High Integrity Framework to channel corporate finance in developing countries while achieving efficient decarbonisation. |
16:10 | VCMs role in innovation and infrastructure as a tool for enabling compliance markets initiatives. |
19:42 | VCMs in developing countries as a vehicle to meet NDC´s and more ambitious targets in the future. |
23:30 | The importance of corporate incentives when acquiring carbon credits to develop VCMs. Review case. Aviation Sector. |
27:26 | Cost of Action vs. Cost of Inaction. BeZero review case –Portfolio/Risk adjustment basis for offsets. |
29:39 | Evolution of standard methodologies and the importance of highlighting the progress across the industry in the VCMs narrative. |