With a brand new episode released on Spotify every Tuesday, the carbon exposure project aims to educate, inspire, and entertain a broad audience by having free-flowing conversations over cocktails with people who are driving the carbon markets of tomorrow. The podcast features subject matter experts from the fields of policy, industry and finance speaking about the role of markets in order to facilitate the energy transition and decarbonization more broadly.
The Carbon Exposure Project was born with a vital mission: to shed light on the increasingly significant world of carbon markets, a domain that has surged in importance in recent years. This initiative is driven by three core motivations:
Sometimes, the media simplifies the intricate world of carbon markets. Their intentions are usually good, but they often lack a nuanced understanding of this emerging asset class. Instead of engaging in confrontation, we believe in the power of constructive dialogue. We listen to both justified and unjustified criticisms, with the goal of enhancing and refining these markets.
We believe it's essential not to limit our conversations to a small group of experts. Instead, we take it upon ourselves to make the information and insights available to a broader audience. Our aim is to ensure that everyone can access and benefit from our discussions, moving beyond the exclusive circle of policy experts, market professionals, traders, ESG supporters, and sustainability enthusiasts.
While it's vital to talk about significant concepts like energy transition and decarbonization, we must also acknowledge that these topics can be overwhelming and mysterious for many. Our aim is to close the gap between these abstract concepts and everyday life, ensuring that these major trends become relatable and engaging for everyone.
Welcome to the Carbon Exposure Project, where every dialogue is a step closer to a sustainable future.
Hi, I’m Rene Velazquez, and over the last 15 years, I’ve delved into the fascinating world of carbon markets. My journey includes being Managing Partner at Valitera. Along the way, my passion for the market led me to contribute to the aviation sector, advising airlines on their sustainability journey. Later, I transitioned into the role of co-lead at CFS, Xpansiv’s Principal Trading arm, gaining valuable experience in trading carbon.
Now, I’m genuinely thrilled to be the host of the Carbon Exposure Project. It’s not your typical podcast; it’s a platform for authentic peer-to-peer dialogues. Join me in exploring the world of carbon markets, championing sustainability, and fostering genuine conversations. Stay tuned, and let’s embark on this journey together!
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Shirley Smith
Marketing head
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
Aleesha Smith
Marketing head
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
Mike Hardson
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